Spiced Irish Oatmeal with Toasted Pecans and Sliced Bananas

As I type this on the evening of January 17th, 2024, it is a chilly and dark 24 degrees outside. We are preparing to go for our 2nd collection of the year tomorrow. The temp will be hovering around 28 degrees, but so thankful to Matt for looking for the most optimal weather day and conditions for collection with the least amount of wind. I know, we live in Newport, RI, the sailing capital of the world! Wind lovers unite here - well, they do during the busy and warm summer months. ;)

But, I have to share with you that as bone chilling cold it will be out on Brenton Reef tomorrow, Matt and I look forward to the beauty and peacefulness of this time of year. We may be the only two crazies out on the Reef with our small pump collecting another batch of pristine ocean water, but we are there together and on our way to craft another beautiful batch of our Newport Sea Salt. (If Matt ever reads these posts, I can just imagine his eyes rolling at the last bit…me trying to wax poetically and romantically about being together at the reef - hahaha…especially after today’s collection.) Brr.

UPDATE and this needs a proper sound effect…think ‘record scratch’. We just finished our collection and as much as Brenton Reef was BEAUTIFUL - this will be our last time collecting when it is below freezing temperatures. Mama Mia….the wind decided to pick up at the very end of our process and either our New England winter clothing just didn’t cut it or we are just feeling it a bit more and more with age. So next winter, we are considering taking January off from collections…and maybe a warm vacation. (Just kidding on the last part.)

To prep for our chilly collection day, I prepared a Spiced Irish Oatmeal with Toasted Pecans and Sliced Bananas for an ultimate warm the belly breakfast. This was inspired by the New York Times recipe, ‘Spiced Irish Oatmeal with Cream and Crunchy Sugar’ by Melissa Clark. You can visit here for the original recipe and I recommend that you do for your own recipe preparation and I love to read the NYT recipe notes.

Spiced Irish Oatmeal with Toasted Pecans and Sliced Bananas

Yield: 2 hungry adults or 4 small bowls


3 Tablespoons unsalted butter cubed

1 cup steel-cut oats (I used Bob’s Red Mill brand.)

1 teaspoon cardamom or allspice (I used allspice because that is what I had.)

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3 cups boiling water

1/4 cup of heavy cream (Sshhh…don't tell Matt I used heavy cream.)

1/4 tsp of kosher salt

1/4 cup Demerara sugar, plus more for serving if you prefer a sweeter oatmeal like I do.

And drumroll….our flaky sea salt, for serving….it rounds out the sweetness from the sugar and enhances the spices.

Sliced Banana (or even an apple compote would be delicious here)

1 small handful of toasted and chopped pecans


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. I used our tried and true Le Creuset pot for the oatmeal.

  2. For a deeper, more complex flavor, dry-toast the oats (no butter, unless you want them to taste more like popcorn.) in the cooking pot over medium to high heat, stirring and tossing constantly until lightly toasted and fragrant.

  3. Add 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter with the cinnamon and allspice to the oats and let toast for an additional minute. Some may think a teaspoon is too much, so reduce the quantity in half if you prefer less spices.

  4. Turn off heat or take pot off heat and stir in the boiling water, cream, and salt.

  5. Place uncovered pot in pre-heated oven and bake for 20 minutes, then give them a stir. Sprinkle sugar all over the oats, and scatter the remaining 2 tablespoons of cubed butter on top. Continue to bake for another 20 minutes until the top is glazed and bubbling.

  6. Scoop out personalized bowls and add sliced bananas, a sprinkle of pecans and our pure flaky sea salt on top. (If you are feeling decadent and maybe it’s a weekend reward, pour some cream on top then layer with banana and pecan. Oh my yum!

Thanks for reading, friends. Stay warm!