Most people only know the salt they buy in their local store - kosher and table salt. Heck, before becoming a food lover that is all I knew too. Kosher and table salt both such common ingredients and housed in everyone’s kitchens and table shakers….well almost everyone, BUT my in-laws. Shaken INTO our food preparation and perhaps, if you grew up like I did….shaken on top to give those canned veggies some flavor. (Blech…I didn’t become a food lover until my mid 20’s when I started dating my now husband. I digress....)
Take a look below to see some differences between sea salt and table salt.
The most common question we have been asked while at our farmer’s market table is what makes our sea salt different from the supermarket salts. Most salts you purchase in your grocery store are the mass produced and refined salts commonly referred to as table salt. These salts have been stripped of all their essential trace minerals during the extreme temperature heating process AND then synthetic additives are added to prevent the salt from caking. You know what else…these additives discolor the salt, so the not so lovely salt manufacturers use bleaching agents to whiten the salt. Say what?! Stripped of their goodness? Bleached?? That might be good for my sister-in-law’s hair…but not what we put into our body. Who wants that added to their food? Yikes. Natural sea salt like our sea salt include vital minerals like sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. We do not add anti caking agents nor do we bleach our sea salt..."nothing added or taken away" just the awesome flavor of the Brenton Reef here in beautiful Newport, Rhode Island.
Our bodies do need salt and I am not just saying that because we are trying to sell it to you. An adequate amount of salt (sodium chloride) is needed to maintain good health. This mineral helps: our muscles contract, sends nerve impulses throughout our bodies, and regulates fluid balance so we don’t become dehydrated. It only takes a little bit of salt to help your body maintain these functions and a few flakes of our sea salt goes a long way.
Newport Sea Salt Crew Member