Summer is here and that Means Watermelons!
/Sea Salt and Fresh watermelon, go ahead, try it. Dessert side life changer!
Watermelon is to summer like pumpkin lattes are to fall. Watermelons have become synonymous with summer time picnics for their cool and refreshing quality and for their low maintenance idea for a dessert or BBQ side.
A few weeks ago, Kelsey the organizer of the Aquidneck Grower’s Market called us while we were on our way to Hope and Main to do some sea salt packaging. Her bubbly voice popped out of the bluetooth speaker on Matt's truck telling us there was a vendor cancellation and asked us if we would like to come and sell today. Opportunity was knocking and the sun was shining…so we jumped at the chance and said that we would be there. Usually, we have everything planned out for our Wednesday market including a sea salt topped recipe made and ready to go. We were a little behind and time was short….Matt and I started to brainstorm on the drive to Warren, RI and decided on watermelon. Sliced chilled watermelon with a sprinkling of sea salt on top….all I had to do was slice it and pack it up! Done!
After scrambling to Warren and back to Newport, we piled all of our sea salt market supplies and headed to the grassy path along Memorial Boulevard. We were set-up in less than 30 minutes and we already had customers waiting for the 2 pm bell to ring so they could buy some Newport Sea Salt. In the meantime, we shared the sea salt topped watermelon with them and it was a hit! When we sample cookies or bread, we find that that the Gluten Free customers cannot try a sample and walk sadly away. With watermelon you can make everyone happy! Our first two customers were super happy and that set an awesome tone to our market day! Thanks Crete and Jackie!
Happy customers!
I loved the watermelon response so much and seeing smiles erupt from our customers biting in to the juicy, ripe and sweet pink fruit that I wanted to try more recipes out. So, this past Friday night while it wasn't the warmest June evening and the sun was hiding...I took out our hefty blender determined to make the sun come out with a frozen blended watermelon and rose wine drink. Yup....ROSÉ blended....with watermelon. While it looked gorgeous poured into my husband's family's crystal glass and rimmed with our sea was not the flavor I was going for. Not all drinks are made for sea salt! But, it was worth the try! I am such an amateur!
So for your next BBQ side….think Newport Sea Salt sprinkled on top of fresh sliced watermelon or put a salty rim around a cocktail glass for a watermelon margarita - not the frozen rosé! Recipes below.
Honey-Glazed Grilled Watermelon Recipe
RECIPE from:
• 8 slices seedless watermelon
• 2 tablespoons honey
• Sea salt
• Fresh ground pepper
1 Lightly sprinkle the watermelon wedges on both sides with salt. Stand the watermelon wedges on their edges on a rack over sink or pan and let them drain for 30 minutes.
2 Pre-heat the grill to high. After the watermelon has drained, rinse each piece under cold running water. Place each piece between two folded paper towels and gently but firmly press to remove excess water.
3 Brush the watermelon lightly on both sides with honey. Grill over high heat until grill marks formed and the melon is lightly softened, about 5 minutes. Remove from the grill and sprinkle with sea salt and a little fresh ground pepper. Serve and enjoy.
Frozen Watermelon Rosé Slushy
(just in case you want to try)
Recipe found on the:
Slice up some watermelon and cube it for maximum blender happiness. Uncork that beautiful bottle of pink rosé and marry the two luscious shades of pink and blend away until desired consistency. Pour into a fancy shmancy glass....or jelly glass jar. Let me know if this is a winner to you! Cheers!
Cheers and Happy weekend!