Stay Salty with this Summer Salad Recipe

Stay Salty with this Summer Salad Recipe

Whew, it has been a jam packed summer thus far! Are you enjoying all your BBQ’s, summer parties, and hopefully some summer relaxation? We have been so fortunate to see so many friends this summer here in Newport. Friends from Italy, Virginia Beach, Pennsylvania and Colorado have made their visit to us in the awesome city by the sea. Just last night, my soon to be turning 80 year old dad (bday tomorrow) and my spring chicken mom of a few years younger have arrived from South Carolina and are ready to spoil our boys with lots of love and attention. Grandparents are the best! Our schedule is packed with fun things to do together and to start we may just take my dad on the Craft Brew Race and end the day at the Polo fields. With that being said, it is going to be a crazy day. Matt and I love food and like to prepare some fun sides and main dishes to bring to events like the Polo gathering and so we are preparing…

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Sea Salt Rosemary and Lemon Shortbread

Sea Salt Rosemary and Lemon Shortbread

Hello to you on this sunny Friday afternoon. Yes, I am writing to you with a recipe for Rosemary Shortbread. Did you catch the hint that I love to bake? Oh yes, I do! My baking habits don’t do this girl’s hips any good when I have had a cast on my foot for the last 2 months! But, baked goods make me so happy and even happier when I have delivered little bundles of buttery goodness to someone and they bite into them and their smiles brighten right up! These Rosemary Shortbread nibbles did just that and friends, family and customers at the Aquidneck Grower’s Market wanted the recipe. The recipe came courtesy of the New York Times Cooking section. I loved the recipe so much that I have started a habit of an extra butter purchase while at the market. It is such an awesome dessert to bring to your next summer BBQ. Now I sound like Paula Deen! Time to lace up my sneakers! Cheers! 

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Summer is here and that Means Watermelons!

Summer is here and that Means Watermelons!

Watermelon is to summer like pumpkin lattes are to fall. Watermelons have become synonymous with summer time picnics for their cool and refreshing quality and for their low maintenance idea for a dessert or BBQ side. 

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Let's Talk Salt...

Let's Talk Salt...

Most people only know the salt they buy in their local store - kosher and table salt. Heck, before becoming a food lover that is all I knew too. Kosher and table salt both such common ingredients and housed in everyone’s kitchens and table shakers….well almost everyone, BUT my in-laws. Shaken INTO our food preparation and perhaps, if you grew up like I did….shaken on top to give those canned veggies some flavor. (Blech…I didn’t become a food lover until my mid 20’s when I started dating my now husband. I digress....) 

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Lemon and Rosemary Sea Salt Cookies

Lemon and Rosemary Sea Salt Cookies

A cookie without chocolate chips?! That just doesn't happen in my house but, last night I was in a mood to try something different. We all need to try different things, right? Go crazy every once in a while. Forgoing chocolate chips was my idea of crazy? Hmmm….I need to get out more! I was definitely questioning the savory idea of an herbal cookie, but I love rosemary and of course, sea salt. I thought I would give it a try and I am so happy I did. Thank you, Pinterest and Chrissy Carter! 

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Memorial Day Weekend and the Kickoff to Summer Parties!

Memorial Day Weekend and the Kickoff to Summer Parties!

As we cruise into Memorial Day weekend, we here at Newport Sea Salt Co. wish you a wonderful weekend ahead and are most thankful for those that have made the ultimate sacrifice and fought for our country’s freedom. 

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Start Your Day with Homemade Granola and a Sprinkle of Sea Salt

Start Your Day with Homemade Granola and a Sprinkle of Sea Salt

I love the Smitten Kitchen cookbook so much that I have post-it notes tagged on most of the 300 pages as reminders to get in the kitchen and try them out. Most of the recipes from Deb Perelman’s Smitten Kitchen cookbook uses simple ingredients and yields amazing results. Once you make a few dishes from her cookbook, you feel like a kitchen success. Well, I will speak for myself. (P.S. Deb Perleman has her second cookbook coming out soon! I can't wait!) Read on to hear about her amazing granola recipe....with our addition of sea salt!

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